Oculorum is our flagship fraud detection and transaction insights engine. Oculorum analyzes your accounting data and uses various data analytics techniques to spot the transactions that are most likely to be related to fraud or other waste (duplicate payments, etc.). Oculorum provides insights into your data that not only help prevent fraud, but also can help you understand your payments data in new and interesting ways. Think of Ocolorum as a "second set of eyes," helping you review your payments and ensuring that your business is protected at all times.
We're bringing you the same technology that the world's biggest banks use to detect fraud. Our focus is on data analytics, security, seamless integrations, and most importantly, results!
We have real-world experience building an all emcompassing fraud detection solution from the ground up for one of the biggest banks in the United States. We want to use that experience and knowledge to bring that technology to your business to stop fraud in its tracks.
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