Our Enterprise package is coming soon...

But we want you to be the first to know! Let us know your email address and we'll let you know when we're ready for prime time! Our Enterprise domain monitoring package includes the following features for up to 20 monitored domain names:

Lookalike Domain Monitoring

We monitor new domain name registrations and look for names that are similar to yours or could be used to target you or your customers. For example, if your domain name was "example.com" we would find domain names such as "example.org" (same domain name, different top level domain), "exampIe.com" (capital i instead of an L), or "exapmle.com" (transposed letters).

Phishing Domain Monitoring

We monitor for domain names that may be related to phishing attacks targeting your domain/brand. These phishing pages can be used to trick your customers or your employees. For example, if your domain name was "example.com" we would find domain names such as "exampleonlinelogin.com," "www-example.com," and "examplewebmail.com"

Brand Reputation Domain Monitoring

We monitor for domain names that may be related to your brand's reputation or competition. For example, if your domain name was "example.com" we could find domain names such as "examplesucks.com," "example.sucks," and "betterexample.org"

Twenty Domain Names

We monitor up to twenty domain names for potential matches. This is perfect if you have more than one domain for your company. If you don't, you can also monitor other keywords related to your brand or your competitors. Additional domain names cost $50/month each

Daily Report

We'll send you a report once a day with any alerts for your monitored domain name. The report comes with information to help understand the alerts. If you're like us, you don't like a cluttered inbox. We'll only send you an email when it counts; if there are no hits your inbox will be spared another useless email.

Smart Algorithms

We use our intelligent algorithms to filter the alerts to make sure that you see the most important ones and eliminate noise. 

API Access

We provide access to your alerts via a simple REST API. Retrieve your results in JSON, XML, CSV, or TSV formats and integrate with your existing SOC tools or other business processes

Domain Name Data Feeds

Through our monitoring, we create various datasets. With our enterprise plan, you get access to these datasets via API. These include all newly registered domain names and removed/expired domain names per day. These feeds are available in TSV, JSON, CSV, XML, and Parquet formats


We consider our enterprise customers our partners. We will work with you to understand your problems and also help us prioritize our product roadmap. 

Fill out the form below and we'll let you know when we're ready to start protecting your domain!